Andreadis Dimitrios
Oral Medicine Specialist – Dentist,
Associate Professor of Stomatology,
School of Dentistry
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

"The mouth is the mirror of the body." Oral Medicine (Stomatoogy) is that field of Dentistry that, in collaboration with other specialties-fields of Medicine-Dentistry, can diagnose and treat dozens of local or systemic diseases that can affect our mouth.

Dental Science has come an incredible distance in the modern era of technology and is also related to Stomatology. The prevention, diagnosis and treatment of problems-disorders & diseases of the teeth but of the oral mucosa and temporomandibular structures are now assisted by modern imaging diagnostic methods, imaging and scanning techniques, therapeutic methods with automated systems-techniques, biocompatible materials and drugs. What is the relationship between Dentistry and Stomatology?

Scientific and social facts, useful news.

"The mouth is the mirror of the body. " Stomatology is that field of Dentistry that, in collaboration with other specialties-fields of Medicine-Dentistry, can diagnose and treat dozens of local or systemic diseases that can affect our mouth.

Dental Science has come an incredible distance in the modern era of technology and is also related to Stomatology. The prevention, diagnosis and treatment of problems-disorders & diseases of the teeth but of the oral mucosa and temporomandibular structures are now assisted by modern imaging diagnostic methods, imaging and scanning techniques, therapeutic methods with automated systems-techniques, biocompatible materials and drugs. What is the relationship between Dentistry and Stomatology?

Scientific and social facts, useful news.
From the time of Hippocrates, mouth is considered as a mirror of our body health and this is absolutely true. Various diseases may be presented at the mouth, sometimes associated with systemic disease including cancer, autoimmune diseases and infections (eg sexually transmitted diseases).
Thus, early diagnosis and effective treatment of these diseases is crucial for the patient and must be made by a specialist scientist in oral medicine-stomatology.
The purpose of our website is to inform the diseases-disorders that may occur in mouth, and for the scientific field of Oral Medicine-Stomatology which I serve offering services in diagnosis and treatment.
Andreadis Dimitrios
Oral Medicine Specialist – Dentist,
Associate Professor of Stomatology, chool of Dentistry Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
When someone is good to seek an oral-mouth examination?
- If there is pain or burning, or there is bleeding in the mouth and lips. However it has to be noted that the pain is not an absolute criterion, as for example in the case of oral cancer the initial stages are painless the main lesion is escaped the attention.
- When there are changes in mucosal palpation, like irregular surface, or stiffness, or swelling of the oral mucosa, the jaws or the skin area around the mouth…
Dentistry & Prosthodontics Clinic
Στο ιατρείο μας παρέχονται το πλήρες φάσμα οδοντιατρικών υπηρεσιών με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην ποιότητα, την άμεση εξυπηρέτηση και το σεβασμό του ασθενή.
Η εξειδίκευση μας στον τομέα της σύγχρονης αποκαταστατικής προσθετικής μας δίνει την δυνατότητα παροχής εξατομικευμένων λύσεων στα σύνθετα προβλήματα των ασθένων μας, χαρίζοντας λειτουργικότητα και αισθητική.
Πρωταρχικός σκοπός είναι η πλήρης αντιμετώπιση των οδοντιατρικών προβλημάτων του ασθενή με ολοκληρωμένα σχέδια θεραπείας από την αρχή μέχρι το τέλος καθώς επίσης και η παρακολούθηση του με τακτικούς επανελέγχους μετά το πέρας της διαδικασίας.